AMME UpperA: Sh press 1RM 30/5,40/5,50/3,55/2,60/2,62,5/2,65/2,67,5,62,5/3B: Shoulder press on 45' bench 2 x max 16kgC1: Inverted row 4 x 10C2: Hang power clean 4 x 6-8 50kgD: DB Shrug 4 x 15 24kgEveningRugby training ( much ball practice)
RE UpperA: Floor press 3 x max 24kgB1: Chin up 4 x maxB2: Pulling to face 4 x 8-10 40kg (machine)C: Shoulder external rotation 4 x 8-10 15kg (machine)D1: BB Shrug 3 x 8-10 90kgD2: Dip 3 x max
Oly Weightlifting A: Snatch high pull from block 5 x 2 40,45,50,60,60,60,60,60B: Squat Snatch heavy single 40,40,45,45,50,50C: Squat clean x 2 + Jerk 5sets 40,40,50,50,60,60,60Metcon -- 7rounds- 7 pullups- 7 dips- 7 hyper extension7'20"
AMME UpperA: Shoulder press 3RM 30,40,45,50,55,60,65/2,62,5B: Push ups with raised leg 2 x maxC1: Bent row 4 x 8-12 60kgC2: Seated power clean 4 x 8-12 12kgD: Jumping squat from block 10 x 2 60kgE: Plank 5 x 1' 45"w-15"rEveningRugby team running training
ME Lower, metconA: Front squat 5RM 40,50,60,70,80,90,95/3B: Hyper extension 3 x 15C: Metcon - "The Chief"Max rounds in 3 minutes of:135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps6 Push-ups9 Squats20rounds
AM RE UpperA: Floor press 3 x max 22kg 16,16,15B1: Chin up 4 x 8-10B2: Sitting clean 4 x 8-10 10kgC: One arm Shoulder press 20kg DB 4 x 8-12D1:BB Shrug 3 x 8-10 90kgD2: Raised leg push up 3 x maxE: Quick hang power snatch 2 x 10 30kg EveningRugby…
Oly Weightlifting A: 2 snatch high pull + power snatch 30,30,40,40,50,50,50,50B: Power clean - heavy double 50,50,60,60,70,75,80,85C: Jerk - heavy single 50,60,70,70,75D: Kipping pull up 3 x maxE: Standing plate twist 3 x 30 25kg
AMME Upper, DE lowerA: Shoulder press 5RM 30,40,45,50,55,60/4,60/3,60/3,55B: Floor pres 2 x max 20kg DB 20,18C1: Bent row 4 x 10-12 50kgC2: Sitting clean 4 x 8-10 10kgD: Block squat 8 x 2 x 60% 70kgE: Back extension 3 x 15F: K2E 3 x 10EveningRugby team running session