"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters" WODs, pictures, videos
Rest days....I think the paleo diet will not work during this xmas time.....:)Doesn't matter it will be continued from tuesday! :)Merry merry christmas for everybody watching my blog!
Skill/Strength: ThrusterWOD:6min amrap-Deadlift 60kg 10-Box jump 20 3rounds + 10BJ6min amrap-American KB swing 20 24kg-Burpee 10 …
Strength:Back squat: 6x85, 6x90, 6x100, 6x105, 6x110kg...and then:TRX training with rugby team
In the evening....Strength/Skill:Push pressDouble underWOD:20-16-12-8- Box jump 60cm- Push press 40kg- KB swing 20kg5'58"
In the morning.....Strength:A: Deadlift: 5x100, 5x110, 5x120, 4x130, 3x135kgB: Pistol squat: 3x5-5Skill:HSPU practiceIn the evening....Rugby team conditioning training2 clean + 3 push pressDeadlift: 6repetitionBack squat