"You are born small and weak and you die small and weak. How you live in between is what matters" WODs, pictures, videos
REST DAY....and.....the AllBlacks won the 2011 Rugby World Cup this morning!!!!! :))) yeeaahh
Rugby matchExtraligaGorillák vs. Vitézek 14-99http://rmatest.ustream.tv/recorded/18039342
Rugby training
Rest day SMR, streching....
Rugby trainingPrepairing for saturday match
A: Snatch High Pull 3 x 3 60kgB: Power Snatch 5 x 2 60kgC: 2 Squatclean + 1 Jerk 5 sets 70kgD: MetCon3 rounds for time100 air squat20-20 lunge35 hand release pushups18'26"
...és hosszú idő után újraindul a blog.... A: OHS 5-5-5-3-3-3, 40-50-60-65-70-72,5B: Metcon10 rounds for time5 Deadlift 85kg7 Burpees9 Pullups17'07"